Operational Improvement Support

We have been strenuously pursuing the integration of logistics and technology. To implement the concept on the daily logistic scene, we have a team specifically dedicated to the operational improvement activity. They work hand-in-hand with the staff members in distribution centers and sales department in their mission to implement and manage continual, comprehensive innovation and improvement in our operation and services.

The areas our efforts are most actively exerted are:

Streamlining and downsizing

Now in the 21st century the call is getting louder for streamlining and downsizing of logistics as a critical issue in logistics management. One of the popular approaches to the issue is Third Party Logistics(3PL), and we are among the first to offer it as a means to reduce costs while enhancing productivity. Over the years we have accumulated practical experience based on our unique but not a desk-plan approach and been successful in establishing from scratch a system of logistics operation and management tailored to our customers’ individual needs.

Lean Operations

Toyota-based 4S improvement activity has been introduced and exercised in our distribution centers as a means to maintain a lean process and optimal management system. Through the activity, so-called “the three M’s,” muda for waste, muri for overburden and mura for variation, are eliminated to the possible minimum, realizing maximum productivity and the ultimate goal of profit growth.


Visualization, some of its methods illustrated below, helps implement more appropriate improvement throughout the operation process and ensures better quality and cost reduction:

  • Performance management by KPI
  • Bottleneck analysis
  • Action-based costing for cost quantification and improvement identification

For us the visualization is a familiar feature proven successful when we are called in to support customers in their innovation of logistics structure on the whole in order to fulfill diverse and ever-shifting demands of the market they are in.

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